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How do your donations help?

Your donations fund the best pediatric research and life-saving clinical trials in Canada. Researchers are working to improve the detection and diagnosis of cancer and to find more effective, safer treatments.

Money donated to Cops for Cancer is also used for the operation of Camp Goodtimes, an empowering summer recreation program at Loon Lake in Maple Ridge that provides a safety-minded, medically-supervised and fun week of activities for children and their families at no cost.

Donations are making a difference

In Canada, an average of 910 children under the age of 14 are diagnosed with cancer each year. However, due to the successful treatment of most cancers, about 82% will be survivors. The survival rates for some cancers are even higher.

With your support the Canadian Cancer Society is able to provide families with reliable, comprehensive, easy-to-understand information about cancer, a ride to treatment, a week at Camp Goodtimes or financial aid for travel and accommodation.

The Canadian Cancer Society invests in cancer prevention initiatives to try and stop cancer before it starts.